Aïcha - Falling in self love
Falling in self-love
”I was never addicted to one thing;
i was addicted to filling a void,
Within myself
with things other
than my own love. “
- Yung Pueblo
When my heart was cold, I drank the words of those around me as much as I drank beer.
I was looking to fill a void inside with passenger comfort.
I was on the eternal quest for warmth & happiness.
I clung to the laughs, smiles and hugs from my loved ones.
Which made me feel like I was living a good life wherever possible, in a world I saw so cold and miserable.
I must have realized that in the end, the cold and sadness I was feeling was coming from within.
The things we recognize and dislike in others are often a reflection of what we recognize in ourselves ...
My perpetual pursuit of happiness has made me blind. I looked at myself in the mirror and saw fuckall .
I dealt not with the things that may have hurt me in the past because it was negative and "it's been a long time."
I have spent my life restricting and diminishing myself without even realizing it or admitting it to myself… It was an automatism that I developed as a child, to protect myself from disappointment and sadness.
When you don't give a damn about everything, even yourself ... what can happen to you? Neither unhappiness nor happiness in any case…
The design represents "falling in love with yourself".
Being in love is more than pleasant ... But to live it fully, you have to "let go".
Fall into your shadow, accept it, watch it.
She will follow you all your life anyway …
You better understand her to avoid having to follow her in her shoes.
We all have injuries, it doesn't matter what life you've had.
To finally recognize that your past pains still have an impact on you, positive and / or negative, is the best way to avoid that they still have a power over your present… The best way to be more and more free.
Your past, your emotions, your mistakes, your mind, your body envelope are all things that are essential to you, but which do not define you. You are more than that ... don't become a slave to what makes you live!
Enjoy it, enjoy it, play with it, find out!
Listen instead of burying yourself, watch instead of criticizing yourself.
The compassion we give so easily to others, we owe it to ourselves.
Since nothing good is born from the shame.
Your best sidekick, like your worst enemy, is you.
It all starts with your inner discourse.
There is nothing that can stop you once you trust yourself enough to follow your intuition, no matter the risks, pitfalls or disregard of others.
The only thing that is true is the here and now.
Life is too short to live in our regrets of the past or our conceptions of the future.
Life is too short to live in a mirage.
Life is too short to be satisfied with fleeting joy.
Everything we need to live happily is within us, we just need to take the time to dig.
You just have to allow yourself to fall.